Fraud Services

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Fraud Management

Fraud is a persistent problem for many online retailers.  At ePayments Plus, we help you minimize chargebacks from fraud.  We do this by using a couple tools and our own proprietary analysis modeling to beat fraudsters and keep your processing record clean.

According to iovation/Aite Group, in the next four years they are estimating $10 Billion of fraud.  That’s 2.5 times the current estimate of $4 Billion for this year.  At that level, almost everyone will be affected by fraud.

Don’t let fraud cost your company its profits!

The card processing banks hate fraud and put stringent limits on how much fraud a company may accrue.  Violate that limit and you’ll be placed on Visa’s and MC’s fraud monitoring plans.  If the fraud rates do not quickly go down, you company could be fined and even denied processing services.

Beyond the treat of fines and processing disruption, fraud is costly.  You lose the revenue from the sale and pay chargebacks fees.  If you are shipping physical goods, you are left with the cost without any revenue to cover that cost.  Fraud can quickly drain all your company’s profits.

Fraud Management Services

We can manage fraud for you.  With a variety of service levels, you pick the one that works best for you.  At our top service level, we do it all but you can select a lower level and do some of the work yourself and have more control.  Find out more by filling out the form below: